
The records and taxonomic data on this phylum in Belarus are very poor. A single species, Mucor mucedo, was described in Jundziłł (1830). Evidently the first data, actually belonged to the area of Belarus, are three species: Mucor hiemalis, Pilobolus crystallinus, and Zygorhynchus moelleri, recorded by Kastory (1912). Two first species were isolated by B. Namysłowski from agriculatural soil sample collected near Vitsebsk. An Empusa species was published by Lebedeva (1925, Zweites...). Four species from the genera Empusa, Entomophthora, and Mucor were published by Kuprevich (1931, Fungi...). Guletskaya (1958, The mainest…) reported Rhizopus nigricans caused maize moulding. Long time later Rhizopus nigricans was described by Gorlenko et al. (1990).

A series of publications was prepared by Prisyazhnyuk on the fungi inhabiting arboreous plants seeds and fruits. In a paper devoted to Evonymus (1959) he reported 7 zygomycetes, but unfortunately to determine the fungi geography is impossible, since he referred to the mixed material collected in Belarus and Ukraine. In a paper concerning Caragana seeds (Prisyazhnyuk, 1961) he mentioned 8 zygomycete species from the genera Mucor, Rhizopus, Syncephalastrum, Thamnidium, and Zygorhynchus, but also referred to the mixed material collected in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia.

Seven zygomycetes were identified in juniper rhizosphere (Belomesyatseva, 2004: 110–111). Also 7 zygomycetes were included in a book devoted to MSK herbarium (Belomesyatseva & Shabashova, 2006: 344–346).

Two zygomycetes from the genera Spinellus and Syzygites, occuring on agaricoid fungi basidiomata, were reported in the paper by Arnold and Yurchenko (2007).