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Search Result

Name requested: Galerina marginata

  • Mycologia 38 (3): 285. 45 (6): 915, 918, 923, 924, 925. 61 (6): 1111. 68 (6): 1249, 1252. 76 (5): 941.
  • Mycotaxon 60: 220. 83: 109, 476. 84: 97, 100, 101, 102. 102: 237.
  • Persoonia 1 (1): 166. 1 (3): 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 310, 312, 313. 3 (3): 360. 6 (1): 132. 14 (4): 625.
  • Sydowia 3 (1-6): 370. 7 (1-4): 250. 21 (1-6): 221.
  • Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 23 (4): 503.

    Heterotypic synonym: Pholiota marginata

  • Mycologia 4 (5): 258. 21 (2): 104. 38 (3): 285. 38 (5): 504, 518. 52 (4): 661, 662. 68 (1): 211.
  • Persoonia 1 (3): 305.
  • Sydowia 7 (1-4): 250. 8 (1-6): 49.

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