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Search Result

Name requested: Sphaeria turgida

  • Mycotaxon 47: 220.

    Homotypic synonym: Anthostoma turgidum

  • Annales Mycologici 38 (2-4): 127.
  • Mycologia 30 (5): 583, 592.
  • Sydowia 6 (1-4): 227. 16 (1-6): 167. 25 (1-6): 222.

    Homotypic synonym: Lopadostoma turgidum

  • Mycotaxon 39: 127. 47: 219, 220, 222, 226, 227. 64: 41.
  • Sydowia 28 (1-6): 249.
  • Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 24 (4): 494.

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