The nomenclator for fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Name:Neocallimastigaceae I.B. Heath, Canadian Journal of Botany 61 (1983) page 304 [basionym]



Taxonomic position:

Neocallimastigales J.L. Li, I.B. Heath & L. Packer [Order]
Neocallimastigomycetes M.J. Powell [Class]
Neocallimastigomycota M.J. Powell [Division / Phylum]
Fungi R.T. Moore [Kingdom]

Constituent taxa:

Subfamilies / Genera
Anaeromyces Breton, Bernalier, Dusser, Fonty, B. Gaillard & J. Guillot
Caecomyces J.J. Gold
Cyllamyces Ozkose, B.J. Thomas, D.R. Davies, G.W. Griff. & Theodorou
Neocallimastix Vavra & Joyon ex I.B. Heath
Orpinomyces D.J.S. Barr, H. Kudo, Jakober & K.J. Cheng
Piromyces J.J. Gold, I.B. Heath & Bauchop
Ruminomyces Y.W. Ho

Cybertruffle Resources:

Cyberliber Cumulative Index


Fungal Databases [Systematic Botany and Mycology, USDA]
Google images
IMI [CABI Fungus Dried Reference Collection]
Landcare [New Zealand]
New York Botanic Garden [Virtual Fungus Dried Reference Collection]

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