The nomenclator for fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Name:Trichopezizella Dennis ex Raitv., Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised ser. 18 (1969) page 68 [basionym]

Accepted name:

Lachnum Retz.



Taxonomic position:

Hyaloscyphaceae Nannf. [Family]
Helotiales Nannf. ex Korf & Lizoň [Order]
Leotiomycetidae [Subclass]
Leotiomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka [Class]
Pezizomycotina O.E. Erikss. & Winka [Subdivision / Subphylum]
Ascomycota Caval.-Sm. [Division / Phylum]
Fungi R.T. Moore [Kingdom]

Constituent taxa:

Trichopezizella atropae
Trichopezizella badiella (P. Karst.) Raitv.
Trichopezizella barbata (Kunze) Raitv.
Trichopezizella brunnea Raitv.
Trichopezizella heteropilosa Raitv.
Trichopezizella himalayensis (E. Müll. & Dennis) M.P. Sharma
Trichopezizella horridula (Desm.) Raitv.
Trichopezizella macrochaeta (Speg.) Gamundí
Trichopezizella macrospora Raitv.
Trichopezizella myricae (P. Karst.) K. Holm & L. Holm
Trichopezizella nidulus (Kunze) Raitv.
Trichopezizella otanii J.H. Haines
Trichopezizella paradoxa Raitv.
Trichopezizella relicina (Fr.) Raitv.
Trichopezizella setigera (W. Phillips) Raitv.
Trichopezizella vaasmae Raitv.

Cybertruffle Resources:

Cyberliber Cumulative Index


Fungal Databases [Systematic Botany and Mycology, USDA]
Google images
IMI [CABI Fungus Dried Reference Collection]
Index Fungorum
Landcare [New Zealand]
New York Botanic Garden [Virtual Fungus Dried Reference Collection]

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