Nom: Kutilakesopsis macalpinei Agnihothr. & G.C.S. Barua, Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 36 (1957) page 309 [basionyme]
Nom courant:
Sarcopodium macalpinei (Agnihothr. & G.C.S. Barua) B. Sutton
Espèce, anamorphe (hyphomycètes)
Position taxonomique:
Kutilakesopsis Agnihothr. & G.C.S. Barua [Genre]
Pezizomycotina O.E. Erikss. & Winka [Sous-embranchement / Sous-phylum]
Ascomycota Caval.-Sm. [Embranchement / Phylum]
Fungi R.T. Moore [Royaume]
L'Information des catalogues:
Index of Fungi 2: 432
Cybertruffle Resources:
Cyberliber Cumulative Index [English language only]
Fungal Databases [Systematic Botany and Mycology, USDA]
Google images
IMI [CABI Fungus Dried Reference Collection]
Index Fungorum
Landcare [New Zealand]
New York Botanic Garden [Virtual Fungus Dried Reference Collection]