La source nomenclaturale pour les champignons et leur organismes associées

Resultat de Récherche

Nom:Massospora Peck, Report of the New York State Museum 1879 (1879) page 44 [basionyme]



Position taxonomique:

Entomophthoraceae Nowak. [Famille]
Entomophthorales G. Winter [Ordre]
Entomophthoromycotina G. Winter [Sous-embranchement / Sous-phylum]
Zygomycota Moreau [Embranchement / Phylum]
Fungi R.T. Moore [Royaume]

Taxons constitifs:

Massospora agrotidis (Sorokīn) Jacz.
Massospora carineta R.S. Soper
Massospora carinetae R.S. Soper
Massospora cicadettae R.S. Soper
Massospora cicadina Peck
Massospora cleoni Wize
Massospora diceroprocta R.S. Soper
Massospora diceroproctae R.S. Soper
Massospora diminuta R.S. Soper
Massospora dorisiana R.S. Soper
Massospora dorisianae R.S. Soper
Massospora fidicina R.S. Soper
Massospora fidicinae R.S. Soper
Massospora levispora R.S. Soper
Massospora ocypetes R.S. Soper
Massospora pahariae R.S. Soper
Massospora platypedia R.S. Soper
Massospora platypediae R.S. Soper
Massospora richteri Bres. & Starbäck
Massospora spinosa Cif., A.A. Machado & A.F. Vital
Massospora staritzii Bres.
Massospora tettigates R.S. Soper
Massospora tettigatis R.S. Soper
Massospora tipulae J.P. Porter
Massospora uvella (Krass.) Jacz.

Cybertruffle Resources:

Cyberliber Cumulative Index [English language only]
Base de Données d'Information Biologique (4 entrées)


Fungal Databases [Systematic Botany and Mycology, USDA]
Google images
IMI [CABI Fungus Dried Reference Collection]
Index Fungorum
Landcare [New Zealand]
New York Botanic Garden [Virtual Fungus Dried Reference Collection]

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