The nomenclator for fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Name:Chaenotheca Th. Fr., (1861) page 350


Embolus Batsch (1783)
Cyphelium Chevall. (1826)
Allodium Nyl. (1896)
Eucyphelis Clem. (1909)
Heydeniopsis Naumov (1915)
Chaenothecomyces Cif. & Tomas. (1953)
Cybebe Tibell (1984)


Genus, lichen-forming

Taxonomic position:

Coniocybaceae Rchb. [Family]
Lecanoromycetidae P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon, J.C. David & Stalpers ex Miądl., Lutzoni & Lumbsch [Subclass]
Lecanoromycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka [Class]
Pezizomycotina O.E. Erikss. & Winka [Subdivision / Subphylum]
Ascomycota Caval.-Sm. [Division / Phylum]
Fungi R.T. Moore [Kingdom]

Constituent taxa:

Chaenotheca acicularis
Chaenotheca aeruginosa (Turn.) A.L. Sm.
Chaenotheca africana (Zahlbr.) Nádv.
Chaenotheca albida (Körb.) Zahlbr.
Chaenotheca arenaria (Hampe ex A. Massal.) Zwackh
Chaenotheca australis Tibell
Chaenotheca benearnensis Vezda & Vivant
Chaenotheca brachypoda (Ach.) Tibell
Chaenotheca brunneola (Ach.) Müll. Arg.
Chaenotheca carthusiae (Harm.) Lettau
Chaenotheca chlorella (Ach.) Müll. Arg.
Chaenotheca chlorelloides (Anzi) Zahlbr.
Chaenotheca chloroxantha Tibell
Chaenotheca chrysocephala (Turner ex Ach.) Th. Fr.
Chaenotheca cinerea (Pers.) Tibell
Chaenotheca citriocephala (F. Wilson) Tibell
Chaenotheca confusa Tibell
Chaenotheca coniophaea (Norman) Tibell
Chaenotheca degelii Tibell
Chaenotheca deludens Tibell
Chaenotheca dilatata Räsänen
Chaenotheca disseminata (Ach.) Lettau
Chaenotheca elassospora (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
Chaenotheca ferruginea (Turner & Borrer ex Sm.) Mig.
Chaenotheca floridana R.C. Harris
Chaenotheca furfuracea (L.) Tibell
Chaenotheca glaucescens Vezda
Chaenotheca gneissica (Nyl.) Szatala
Chaenotheca gracilenta (Ach.) Mattson & Middleb.
Chaenotheca gracillima (Vain.) Tibell
Chaenotheca granulosa Alb. Schmidt
Chaenotheca hispidula (Ach.) Zahlbr.
Chaenotheca hygrophila Tibell
Chaenotheca laevigata Nádv.
Chaenotheca lanata Tibell
Chaenotheca melanophaea (Ach.) Zwackh
Chaenotheca nepaiensis Alb. Schmidt
Chaenotheca nitidula Tibell
Chaenotheca nudiuscula (Schaer.) Nádv.
Chaenotheca obscura (G. Merr.) Nádv.
Chaenotheca obscurata (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
Chaenotheca olivaceorufa (Vain.) Zahlbr.
Chaenotheca pallida (Pers.) Stizenb.
Chaenotheca parietina (Ach.) Cout.
Chaenotheca paroica (Ach.) Zwackh
Chaenotheca phaeocephala (Turner) Th. Fr.
Chaenotheca picastra (Le Prévost) Zahlbr.
Chaenotheca picea (Chevall.) Zahlbr.
Chaenotheca praecedens (Nyl.) Lindau
Chaenotheca pulverulenta (Vain.) Zahlbr.
Chaenotheca roscidum (Ach.) Ach.
Chaenotheca sachalinensis M. Satô
Chaenotheca savonica (Räsänen) Tibell
Chaenotheca schaereri (De Not.) Zahlbr.
Chaenotheca servitii Nádv.
Chaenotheca sphaerocephala Nádv.
Chaenotheca stemonea (Ach.) Müll. Arg.
Chaenotheca stenocyboides (Nyl.) Sandst.
Chaenotheca subroscida (Eitner) Zahlbr.
Chaenotheca sulphurea (Retz.) Middelb. & Mattsson
Chaenotheca suzai Nádv.
Chaenotheca trabinella
Chaenotheca trichialis (Ach.) Th. Fr.
Chaenotheca xyloxena Nádv.

Cybertruffle Resources:

Cyberliber Cumulative Index
Biological Records Database (3 records)


Fungal Databases [Systematic Botany and Mycology, USDA]
Google images
IMI [CABI Fungus Dried Reference Collection]
Index Fungorum
Landcare [New Zealand]
New York Botanic Garden [Virtual Fungus Dried Reference Collection]

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