The nomenclator for fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Name:Tephrophana Earle, (1909) page 427 [basionym]

Accepted name:

Marasmius Fr.



Taxonomic position:

Marasmiaceae Roze ex Kühner [Family]
Agaricales Underw. [Order]
Agaricomycetidae [Subclass]
Agaricomycetes Doweld [Class]
Agaricomycotina Doweld [Subdivision / Subphylum]
Basidiomycota R.T. Moore [Division / Phylum]
Fungi R.T. Moore [Kingdom]

Constituent taxa:

Tephrophana admissa (Britzelm.) Métrod
Tephrophana ambusta (Fr.) Kühner
Tephrophana atrata (Fr.) Kühner
Tephrophana baeosperma Romagn.
Tephrophana boudieri Romagn.
Tephrophana carbonaria (Velen.) anon. ined.
Tephrophana coracina (Fr.) Kühner
Tephrophana fibrosipes Métrod
Tephrophana fimicola (Earle) Earle
Tephrophana gibberosa (Schaeff.) Métrod
Tephrophana griseocaerulea Métrod
Tephrophana inolens (Fr.) Kühner
Tephrophana mephitica (Fr.) Kühner
Tephrophana mycenoides Métrod
Tephrophana ochraceobrunnea Métrod
Tephrophana osmorphora (E.-J. Gilbert) Romagn.
Tephrophana ozes (Fr.) Métrod
Tephrophana palustris (Peck) Kühner
Tephrophana parabolica Métrod
Tephrophana platypoda Kühner
Tephrophana plexipes anon.
Tephrophana rancida (Fr.) Kühner
Tephrophana scobis Métrod
Tephrophana tesquorum (Fr.) Kühner
Tephrophana tylicolor (Fr.) Métrod

Cybertruffle Resources:

Cyberliber Cumulative Index


Fungal Databases [Systematic Botany and Mycology, USDA]
Google images
IMI [CABI Fungus Dried Reference Collection]
Index Fungorum
Landcare [New Zealand]
New York Botanic Garden [Virtual Fungus Dried Reference Collection]

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