The nomenclator for fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Name:Chaetophoma Cooke, (1878) page 25 [basionym]


Genus, anamorph (coelomycete)

Taxonomic position:

Pezizomycotina O.E. Erikss. & Winka [Subdivision / Subphylum]
Ascomycota Caval.-Sm. [Division / Phylum]
Fungi R.T. Moore [Kingdom]

Constituent taxa:

Chaetophoma alliicola Tassi
Chaetophoma amorphula (Schwein.) Starbäck
Chaetophoma ampullula Speg.
Chaetophoma annonae Bat. & Castr.
Chaetophoma anthelmintica Cooke
Chaetophoma antirrhini Richon
Chaetophoma asterinarum Speg.
Chaetophoma atrella Cooke & Harkn.
Chaetophoma berberidina Gucevic
Chaetophoma biscutellae C. Massal.
Chaetophoma catalpae Cooke
Chaetophoma catesbeyi Cooke
Chaetophoma centranthi Gucevic
Chaetophoma chlorospora Speg.
Chaetophoma cirsii Died.
Chaetophoma citri Sacc.
Chaetophoma clitoriae Bat. & Peres
Chaetophoma coffeicola Av.-Saccá
Chaetophoma coniformis (Sommerf.) Starbäck
Chaetophoma cordobensis Speg.
Chaetophoma cycadis Cooke
Chaetophoma dermo-unguis S.M. Singh & Barde
Chaetophoma eriobotryae Sousa da Câmara
Chaetophoma erysiphoides Griffiths & Maubl.
Chaetophoma eutricha Sacc. & Berl.
Chaetophoma filamentifera (P. Karst.) Berl. & Voglino
Chaetophoma foeda Sacc.
Chaetophoma fusca P. Karst.
Chaetophoma georginae (Corda) Sacc.
Chaetophoma glaucii Boyd & Jacz.
Chaetophoma glumarum Miyake
Chaetophoma halimodendri Murashk.
Chaetophoma ilicifolia Cooke
Chaetophoma incrustans Speg.
Chaetophoma libanotidis Naumov
Chaetophoma macrospora P. Karst. & Har.
Chaetophoma maculans G. Winter
Chaetophoma maydis Speg.
Chaetophoma melanopotamica Speg.
Chaetophoma melianthi Pat.
Chaetophoma meliolicola Speg.
Chaetophoma metasequoiae Gucevic
Chaetophoma microsperma (Corda) Sacc. & Traverso
Chaetophoma microspora Speg.
Chaetophoma microstoma Speg.
Chaetophoma mimuli Tassi
Chaetophoma musae Cooke
Chaetophoma myriospora Cooke
Chaetophoma oleacina Vuill.
Chaetophoma oryzae Cavara
Chaetophoma osmanthi Gucevic
Chaetophoma paulistana Speg.
Chaetophoma pellicula Sacc. & Syd.
Chaetophoma penzigi Sacc.
Chaetophoma penzigii Sacc.
Chaetophoma perpusilla Speg.
Chaetophoma pleioblasti I. Hino & Katum.
Chaetophoma quercifolia Cooke
Chaetophoma sabal Cooke
Chaetophoma sanseveriae Tassi
Chaetophoma scoriadea Speg.
Chaetophoma setigera Peck
Chaetophoma sollae Pass.
Chaetophoma stromaticola Speg.
Chaetophoma tiliana Gucevic
Chaetophoma tobirae Gucevic
Chaetophoma trichothecia Speg.
Chaetophoma tropicalis Speg.
Chaetophoma venturioides Sacc. & Berl.
Chaetophoma zhukovskii Gucevic

Cybertruffle Resources:

Cyberliber Cumulative Index
Biological Records Database (9 records)


Fungal Databases [Systematic Botany and Mycology, USDA]
Google images
IMI [CABI Fungus Dried Reference Collection]
Index Fungorum
Landcare [New Zealand]
New York Botanic Garden [Virtual Fungus Dried Reference Collection]

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