Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

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Plantae indet.

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: Physcia (distribution map)

Number of records. 372. Date information. 1842 (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec). Countries. Australia, British Isles, Cuba, Georgia, India, Japan, Mozambique, Nepal, New Zealand, Oman, South Africa, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, country not noted. Associated organisms. Physcia abuensis; Physcia adglutinata var. pyrithrocardia; Physcia adscendens; Physcia aegialita; Physcia aegialita var. flavida; Physcia aegialita var. obliterata; Physcia aipolia; Physcia aipolia var. acrita; Physcia aipolia var. aipolia; Physcia alba; Physcia albata; Physcia ascendens; Physcia biziana; Physcia caesia; Physcia clementiana; Physcia clementii; Physcia convexa; Physcia crispa; Physcia crispa forma melanophthalma; Physcia dilatata; Physcia dimidiata; Physcia domingensis; Physcia dubia; Physcia endochrysea; Physcia erythrocardia; Physcia hispida; Physcia integrata; Physcia integrata var. obsessa; Physcia integrata var. sorediosa; Physcia obscura var. chloantha; Physcia obscura var. glaucovirens; Physcia ochroleuca; Physcia picta; Physcia semipinnata; Physcia setosa; Physcia setosa forma virella; Physcia sorediosa; Physcia sparsa; Physcia stellaris; Physcia stellaris subsp. stellaris; Physcia stellaris var. radiata; Physcia stellaris var. stellaris; Physcia syncolla; Physcia tenella; Physcia thenella; Physcia tribacia; Physcia tribacioides; Physcia tribacoides; Physcia undulata; Physcia venustula; Physcia sp. Collections. HACM [Darwin] 5068, 5166, 5179, 5246, 5296, 5345, 5348, 5349, 5358, 5362, 5379, 5577, 5785, 5859, 5896, 5929, 5987, 6040, 6059, 6065, 6087, 6184, 6221, 6306, 6311, 6370, 6509, 6511, 6526, 6527, 6533, 6537, 6540, 6544, 6549, 6558, 6605, 6769, 6770, 6772, 6773, 6775, 6807, 6808, 6809, 6810, 6811, 7021, 7053; HAJB [Darwin] 11900, 12294, 12296, 12298, 12313, 12314, 12316, 12317, 12321, 12328; KW unnumbered; PREM van der Byl 1036, van der Byl 411, van der Byl 497, van der Byl 510, van der Byl 518, van der Byl 656, van der Byl 706; TBI unnumbered; TGM unnumbered. Literature. Cannon, Hawksworth & Sherwood-Pike (1985); Doidge (1950) page(s) 371, 372, 373, 374, 375; Kopachevskaya (1986) page(s) 238, 239, 240; López Figueiras (1986) page(s) 376; Nakhutsrishvili (1986) page(s) 773, 774; Pluntke (1984) page(s) 121, 123, 124; Riddle (1923) page(s) 88; Singh & Sinha (2010) page(s) 350, 351, 352, 353; Zelenko (1999) page(s) 65, 66.

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