Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

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Armillaria luteobubalina Watling & Kile

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: Eucalyptus (distribution map)

Number of records. 26. Date information. May 1974 (May). Countries. Australia. Associated organisms. Eucalyptus baxteri (root, stem); Eucalyptus calophylla (root, stem); Eucalyptus camaldulensis (root, stem); Eucalyptus diversicolor (root); Eucalyptus dives (root, stem); Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata (root, stem); Eucalyptus gomphocephala (root, stem); Eucalyptus macrorhyncha (root, stem); Eucalyptus marginata (root, stem, stump); Eucalyptus melliodora (root, stem); Eucalyptus obliqua (root, stem); Eucalyptus ovata (root, stem); Eucalyptus patens (root, stem); Eucalyptus radiata (root, stem); Eucalyptus regnans (root, stem, stump); Eucalyptus rubida (root, stem); Eucalyptus rudis (root, stem); Eucalyptus viminalis (root, stem); Eucalyptus wandoo (root, stem); Eucalyptus sp. (root). Collections. DAR 34953, 34954 unnumbered. Literature. Kile & Watling (1981) page(s) 81; Kile (1981) page(s) 63-77; Lanier (1986) page(s) 258; Marks, Fuhrer & Walters (1982) page(s) 1; Palzer (1980) page(s) 176; Pearce, Malajczuk & Kile (1986) page(s) 243-259; Podger, Kile, Watling & Fryer (1978) page(s) 77-87; Sampson & Walker (1982) page(s) 20, 21; Shearer & Tippett (1988) page(s) 437, 433-445.

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