Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

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Leveillula duriaei (Lév.) U. Braun

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: Phlomis taurica (distribution map)

Number of records. 40. Date information. 1981 (Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep). Countries. Ukraine. Substratum. leaf. Collections. KW [Darwin] 11038, 11039, 11040, 12073, 50567, 50568, 50569, 50570, 50572, 50573, 50575, 50576, 50577, 50578, 50579, 50580, 50581, 50582, 52137, 52138, 52139, 52140, 52141, 53474. Literature. Heluta (1979) page(s) 49; Heluta (1989) page(s) 187; Heluta (1999) page(s) 481.

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