Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Lophomerum ponticum Minter

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: Rhododendron ponticum (distribution map)

Number of records. 98. Date information. 1928 (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov). Countries. United Kingdom. Substratum. leaf. Collections. E unnumbered; IMI 236780, 236781, 236782, 236783, 238366, 239349, 257058, 269242, 269243, 284685, 284686, 312712, 327328, 334906, 334908, 338742, 358143, 364900, 364901, 80931c, 341394b, 358124a; K unnumbered. Literature. Cannon, Hawksworth & Sherwood-Pike (1985); Clark (1980) page(s) 73; Minter (1980) page(s) 204; Minter (1983) page(s) 37; Minter (1986); Minter (1986); Minter (1986); Minter (1987); Minter (1987).

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