Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Sporisorium sorghi Ehrenb. ex Link

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: Sorghum bicolor (distribution map)

Number of records. 23. Date information. 4 September 1986 (Sep). Countries. China, Cuba, India, Jamaica, Morocco, Puerto Rico, Somalia, Sudan, USA, Venezuela, country not noted. Substrata. flower, ovary, seed. Collections. CUP 12638; HAJB [Darwin] 6482; IMI 355633; KW [Darwin] 55839, 55840. Literature. Arnold (1986) page(s) 63, 188; Bilgrami, Jamaluddin & Rizwi (1991) page(s) 471; Dennis (1970) page(s) 137; Larter & Martyn (1943) page(s) 10; Parndekar (1964); Piepenbring & Rodríguez Hernández (1998) page(s) 135; Rieuf (1970) page(s) 299; Stevenson (1975) page(s) 256; Tarr (1955) page(s) 36; Teng (1996) page(s) 221; Whetzel & Kern (1926) page(s) 118-119; Zundel Ingram (1930) page(s) 132.

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