Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl.

Selection criteria. Country: Ukraine (Volynska oblast). Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 29. Date information. 1940 (Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep). Locations. Kamin’-Kashyrskyi district, Liuboml district, Lyubeshiv district, Ratne district, Shatsk district, Stara Vyzhivka district, Zabolotīïvs’kiĭ district. Associated organisms. Betula sp. (bark, trunk); Larix sp. (bark); Malus baccata (bark); Picea sp. (bark, trunk); Pinus sp. (bark, trunk, twig); Plantae indet. (bark). Collections. KW [Darwin] 31064, 31065, 31066, 31067, 31068, 31069, 31070, 31071, 31072, 31073, 31074, 31075, 31076, 31077, 31078, 31079, 31080, 31081, 31082, 31403, 31404, 31507, 32068, 32069, 32070, 32071, 32072, 32082, 32083.

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