Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Grallomyces sp.

Selection criteria. Country: Brazil (Amazonas). Associated organism: any

Number of records. 6. Date information. 24 May 1961 (May). Associated organisms. Asterostomella lauracearum; Dictyothyrium ingae; Ellisia ingae; Englerulaster lauraceicola; Helikedomyces jambosae; Helikedomyces sp.; Hiospira jambosae; Hiospira sp.; Inga fagifolia; Lauraceae gen.indet.; Micropeltidaceae gen.indet.; Micropeltidium gustaviae; Mycostevensonia ingae; Plectopeltis egenulae; Septoria ingae-fagifoliae; Stomiopeltis aspera; Vizella ingae. Collections. URM 23337, 23338, 23339, 23341, 23468, 23470. Literature. Batista & Cavalcante (1964) page(s) 186; Batista & Peres (1964) page(s) 454; Batista & Peres (1965) page(s) 166; Batista, Bezerra & Peres (1964) page(s) 104; Batista, Peres & Bezerra (1962) page(s) 114; Batista, Peres & Fonsêca (1963) page(s) 12.

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