Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Pyrus malus L.

Selection criteria. Country: South Africa (Free State). Associated organism: any

Number of records. 20. Associated organisms. Coniothecium chomatosporum; Diapleella coniothyrium; Erythricium laetum; Leucostoma persoonii; Nectria cinnabarina; Podosphaera leucotricha; Teloschistes hypoglaucus. Collections. PREM 1079, 1590, 8831, 9531, 14106, 14681, 27266, 27267, 27268, 27691, 33371, van der Byl. Literature. Doidge (1950) page(s) 120, 153, 355, 482, 619, 631, 701.

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