Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Fennellia flavipes B.J. Wiley & E.G. Simmons

Selection criteria. Country: former USSR. Associated organism: any

Number of records. 10. Date information. 2 June 1966 (Jun). Locations. state not noted. Associated organisms. Equisetum palustre; Glyceria fluitans; Oryza sativa (leaf, seed, stalk). Other substrata. medium, sand. Literature. Becker, Dmitrieva, Suprun, Trofimova & Ivanchikova (1972) page(s) 106; Bekker, Suprun & Nesterenko (1971) page(s) 4; Bobkova, Zlochevskaya, Chekunova, Ilyina, Kazennova & Rukhadze (1973) page(s) 380; Khramov & Suvorov (1971) page(s) 216; Kirsanov (1973) page(s) 244; Lisina-Kulik & Maximova (1972) page(s) 8; Mikheeva (1970) page(s) 11; Rudakov & Shmeleva (1988) page(s) 572; Yurganova, Ozeretskovskaya & Komkov (1976) page(s) 312.

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