Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

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Meliola sp.

Selection criteria. Country: Costa Rica. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 5. Date information. 1925 (Jan). Locations. Alajuela, Cartago, state not noted. Associated organisms. Byssocallis phoebes; Desmodium incanum; Irenopsis cryptocarpa; Phoebe tonduzii (leaf); Rapanea pellucidopunctata (leaf). Collections. FH Fungi in Itinere Costaricensi Collecti, Fungi in Itinere Costaricensi Collecti; IMI Fungi Exotici Exsiccati, unnumbered. Literature. Hughes (1993) page(s) 191-193; Lenné (1990) page(s) 47; Rossman (1987) page(s) 10-11.

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