Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

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Phragmites sp.

Selection criteria. Country: UK. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 14. Date information. 1876 (Apr, May). Locations. Argyllshire, Cumbria, Devon, Galloway, Suffolk, Sussex, state not noted. Associated organisms. Belonopsis ebudensis; Belonopsis mediella; Dasyscypha [orthography: should be Dasyscyphus] acutipila; Lophiotrema grandispora; Lophodermium arundinaceum; Massarina arundinacea; Massariosphaeria palustris; Tapesia knieffii; Tubeufia paludosa. Collections. E unnumbered. Literature. Cannon, Hawksworth & Sherwood-Pike (1985); Holden (1969) page(s) 5; Minter (1986); Minter (1987).

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