Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

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Terminalia paniculata Roth

Selection criteria. Country: India. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 10. Locations. Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, state not noted. Associated organisms. Cerotelium terminaliae-paniculatae; Daedalea flavida; Earliella scabrosa; Lentinus praerigidus; Pestalotia sp.; Phellinus fastuosus; Phellinus gilvus; Polystictus tabacinus; Uredo terminaliae-paniculatae. Literature. Anon. (1951); Mundkur & Kheswalla (1942); Nag Raj, Govindu & Thirumalachar (1972); Ramakrishnan & Ramakrishnan (1949).

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