Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Passiflora edulis Sims

Selection criteria. Country: India. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 13. Locations. Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh. Associated organisms. Aspergillus niger; Candida krusei; Cercospora biformis; Colletotrichum dematium; Fusarium oxysporum; Glomerella cingulata; Leveillula taurica; Penicillium expansum; Phytophthora nicotianae; Rhizopus stolonifer; Saccharomyces delphensis; Schiffnerula malabarensis. Literature. Bilgrami, Jamaluddin & Rizwi (1991) page(s) 208, 330, 442; Lal & Tandon (1966); Lal & Tandon (1967); Pandotra & Ganguly (1962); Patil (1964); Pruthi, Rao, Jaleel & Lall (1960); Ramakrishnan & Sundaram (1953); Rao & Ravishankar (1982); Sundaram (1962); Ullasa & Sohi (1975).

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