Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

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Rhytidhysteron rufulum (Spreng.) Speg.

Selection criteria. Country: India. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 40. Date information. 12 February 1988 (Feb). Locations. Bihar, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, state not noted. Associated organisms. Acacia sp.; Albizia odoratissima; Bougainvillea spectabilis; Cassia sp. (twig); Citrus aurantifolia; Citrus sinensis; Citrus sp. (branch); Cladosporium sp.; Clerodendrum inerme; Combretum coccineum; Diatrype sp.; Diospyros montana (branch); Duranta plumieri; Ephedra foliata; Erythrina indica; Eugenia jambolana; Galphimia glauca; Grevillea robusta; Grevillea sp.; Grewia asiatica; Gymnosporia rothiana (branch); Lantana camara; Lycium europaeum (branch); Magnoliopsida ord.indet. (stem); Salvadora oleoides (branch); Scutia indica; Tectona grandis (stem); Vitis vinifera (leaf); Ziziphus jujuba (twig); Ziziphus oenoplia (leaf); Ziziphus rugosa. Collections. IMI 335443, 335438a. Literature. Agarwal (1998); Bilgrami, Jamaluddin & Rizwi (1991) page(s) 510; Deshpande & Deshpande (1966); Ghosh & Dutta (1962); Muthappa (1967); Narendra & Rao (1974); Ponnappa (1970); Rangaswamy, Seshadri & Channamma (1970); Rao & Varghese (1979); Sydow, Sydow & Butler (1911); Vaidya (1975).

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