Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Convallaria majalis L.

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 32. Date information. 1800s (Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Dec). Countries. Denmark, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Russia, Sweden, Ukraine, country not noted. Associated organisms. Botryotinia fuckeliana; Colletotrichum dematium; Dendrophoma convallariae; Lophodermium herbarum; Mycosphaerella asteroma; Mycosphaerella brunneola; Mycosphaerella convallariae; Puccinia digraphidis; Puccinia sessilis; Puccinia smilacearum-digraphidis; Quercus sp. Collections. TGM [Darwin] 1757; UPS unnumbered. Literature. Cheremisinov (1971) page(s) 131; Duby (1862) page(s) 63; Likhachev (1979) page(s) 137; Nakhutsrishvili (1986) page(s) 342, 561; Tselle (1925) page(s) 16.

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