Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Golovinomyces galeopsidis (DC.) Heluta

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 1020. Date information. 1909 (May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov). Countries. Armenia, Georgia, Germany, Russia, Ukraine. Associated organisms. Acinos arvensis (leaf); Acinos rotundifolius; Ampelomyces quisqualis; Ampelomyces sp.; Ballota nigra (leaf, stem); Betonica macrantha; Betonica officinalis (leaf); Betonica orientalis; Chaiturus marrubiastrum (leaf, stem); Clinopodium vulgare (leaf); Eremostachys laciniata; Galeobdolon luteum (leaf, stem); Galeobdolon speciosum; Galeopsis bifida (leaf, stem); Galeopsis ladanum (leaf); Galeopsis pubescens (leaf, stem); Galeopsis speciosa (calyx, leaf, stem); Galeopsis tetrahit (flower, leaf, stem); Galeopsis sp. (leaf, stem); Geranium sibiricum subsp. popovii (calyx, leaf, petiole, stem); Glechoma hederacea (leaf); Glechoma hirsuta (leaf); Labiatae gen.indet. (leaf); Lamium album (flower, leaf, stem); Lamium amplexicaule (leaf, stem); Lamium maculatum (leaf, stem); Lamium purpureum (leaf); Lamium sp. (leaf); Leonurus cardiaca (leaf, stem); Leonurus glaucescens (leaf); Leonurus villosus (leaf); Leonurus sp. (leaf); Leveillula duriaei; Marrubium astracanicum; Marrubium catariifolium; Marrubium goktschaicum; Marrubium peregrinum (leaf); Marrubium persicum; Marrubium praecox (leaf, petiole, stem); Marrubium purpureum; Marrubium vulgare (leaf); Melissa officinalis; Origanum vulgare; Phlomis hybrida (leaf); Phlomis jailicola (leaf); Phlomis pungens (leaf, stem); Phlomis taurica (leaf, stem); Phlomis tuberosa (bract, calyx, flower, leaf, peduncle, petiole, stem); Phlomis sp.; Puccinia glechomatis; Puccinia isiacae; Sideritis montana; Stachys atherocalyx; Stachys balansae; Stachys byzantina; Stachys cretica (leaf, stem); Stachys germanica (leaf, stem); Stachys iberica; Stachys krynkensis (leaf, stem); Stachys palustris (leaf, stem); Stachys spectabilis; Stachys sylvatica (flower, leaf, petiole, stem); Stachys sp. (leaf); Ziziphora capitata (bract, leaf). Collections. ERE 100204; KW [Darwin] 10833, 10834, 10835, 10836, 10838, 10840, 10842, 10844, 10845, 10846, 10847, 10967, 10970, 11015, 12008, 12009, 12010, 12011, 12012, 12013, 12014, 12015, 12016, 12018, 12019, 12020, 12021, 12022, 12023, 12024, 12026, 12027, 12028, 12029, 12030, 12031, 12032, 12033, 12034, 12035, 12036, 12037, 12038, 12039, 12040, 12041, 12042, 12043, 12044, 12045, 12046, 12047, 12048, 12049, 12050, 12051, 12052, 12053, 12054, 12055, 12056, 12057, 12058, 12059, 12060, 12061, 12062, 12064, 12065, 12066, 12067, 12068, 12069, 12071, 12072, 12074, 12075, 12076, 12077, 12078, 12079, 12080, 12081, 12082, 12083, 12084, 12085, 12086, 12087, 12088, 12089, 12090, 12091, 12092, 12093, 12094, 12095, 12096, 12097, 12098, 12099, 12108, 12109, 12110, 12111, 12112, 12113, 12114, 12115, 12116, 12117, 12118, 12119, 12120, 12121, 12122, 12123, 12124, 12125, 12126, 12127, 12128, 12129, 12130, 12131, 12132, 12133, 12134, 12135, 12136, 12138, 12139, 12140, 12141, 12142, 12143, 12144, 12145, 12146, 12147, 12148, 12149, 12150, 12151, 12152, 12627, 13580, 13581, 13582, 13583, 14318, 14319, 14320, 14321, 14322, 14323, 14324, 14325, 14326, 14327, 14328, 14329, 14330, 14331, 14332, 14333, 14334, 14335, 14336, 14337, 14338, 14339, 14340, 14341, 14342, 14343, 14344, 14345, 14346, 14347, 14348, 14349, 14350, 14351, 14352, 14353, 14354, 14355, 14356, 14357, 14358, 14359, 14360, 14361, 14362, 14363, 14364, 14365, 14366, 14367, 14368, 14369, 14370, 14371, 14372, 14373, 14374, 14375, 14376, 14377, 14378, 14379, 14380, 14381, 14382, 14383, 14384, 14385, 14386, 14387, 14388, 14389, 14390, 14391, 14392, 14393, 14394, 14395, 14396, 14397, 14398, 14399, 14400, 14401, 14402, 14403, 14404, 14405, 14406, 14407, 14408, 14409, 14410, 14411, 14412, 14413, 14414, 14415, 14416, 14417, 14418, 14419, 14420, 14421, 14422, 14423, 16209, 16210, 16220, 41055, 45097, 45099, 45100, 50524, 50531, 50546, 50555, 50561, 50571, 50574, 50583, 51125, 51126, 51127, 51128, 51129, 51130, 51131, 51132, 51133, 51134, 51135, 51136, 51137, 51138, 51139, 51140, 51141, 51142, 51143, 51144, 51145, 51146, 51147, 51148, 51149, 51150, 51151, 51152, 51153, 51154, 51155, 51156, 51157, 51158, 51159, 51160, 51935, 51936, 51937, 51938, 51939, 51940, 51941, 51942, 51943, 51944, 51945, 51946, 51947, 51948, 51949, 51950, 51951, 51952, 51953, 51954, 51955, 51956, 51957, 51958, 51959, 51960, 51961, 51962, 51963, 51964, 51965, 51966, 51967, 51968, 51969, 51970, 51972, 51974, 51975, 51977, 51978, 51979, 51980, 51981, 51983, 51984, 51985, 51986, 51987, 51988, 51989, 51990, 51991, 51992, 51993, 51994, 51995, 51997, 51998, 51999, 52000, 52001, 52002, 52003, 52134, 52136, 53060, 53431, 53432, 53433, 53434, 53435, 53436, 53437, 53438, 53439, 53440, 53441, 53442, 53443, 53444, 53445, 53446, 53447, 53448, 53449, 53450, 53451, 53452, 53453, 53454, 53718, 53719, 53720, 53721, 53722, 53723, 53724, 53725, 53726, 53727, 53728, 53729, 53730, 53731, 53732, 53733, 53734, 53735, 53737, 53738, 53739, 53740, 53741, 53742, 53743, 53744, 53745, 53746, 53747, 53748, 53749, 53750, 53751, 53846. Literature. Bobiak (1907); Bukhalo (1960); Bukhalo (1961); Bunkina & Heluta (1990) page(s) 399; Chmielewski (1910); Dobrovolsky (1914); Ganeshin & Bondartseva-Monteverde (1922); Garbowski (1922); Gavrilo (1999) page(s) 437; Grebenchuk & Sherstniuk (1975); Grodzynska (1928); Gyzhitska (1929); Heluta (1979) page(s) 477; Heluta (1989) page(s) 128; Heluta (1998) page(s) 69; Heluta (1998) page(s) 361; Heluta (1999) page(s) 54; Heluta, Merezhko & Smik (1992) page(s) 52; Heluta, Merezhko & Smik (1992) page(s) 52; Illichevsky (1938); Isachenko (1896); Kaznovsky (1915); Kharkevich (1959); Kharkevych (1959) page(s) 23, 24; Kolomiets’, Dudka & Tykhonenko (1996) page(s) 205; Kolomiyets (1997) page(s) 33; Krupa (1888); Krupa (1889); Léveillé (1842); Lavitska & Morochkovska (1974); Lavitska (1947); Lavitska (1949); Marchenko (1963); Marchenko (1974); Morochkovskaya & Perelai (1983); Morochkowsky (1956); Morochkowsky (1957); Morochkowsky (1958); Nakhutsrishvili (1986) page(s) 308; Namysłowski (1909); Namysłowski (1914); Petrak (1925); Potebnia (1907); Potebnia (1916); Rouppert & Wróblewski (1911); Simonyan (1994) page(s) 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220; Sredinsky (1873); Trebu (1913); Tselle (1925); Wróblewski (1912); Wróblewski (1913); Wróblewski (1914); Yachevsky (1927); Zweigbaumowna (1918).

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