Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Tolyposporium ehrenbergii (J.G. Kühn) Pat.

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 32. Date information. 1930 (May). Countries. China, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Malawi, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, country not noted. Associated organisms. Pennisetum glaucum (seed); Sorghum bicolor (flower, ovary, plant); Sorghum halepense (flower); Sorghum lanceolatum (seed); Sorghum purpureo-sericeum (seed); Sorghum verticilliflorum; Sorghum sp. (plant, seed). Collections. IMI 22975, 32456, 47554, 335133, 341166, 341169. Literature. Butler & Bisby (1931); Hirabe & Mohamed (1981) page(s) Castellani (1988a) 43; Jain, Nikam, Kulkarni & Sharma (1960); Lenné (1990) page(s) 114, 132; Mundkur & Thirumalachar (1952); Stewart & Yirgou (1967) page(s) 42; Tarr (1955) page(s) 37, 38; Teng (1996) page(s) 223.

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