Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

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Hansfordia ovalispora S. Hughes

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 26. Date information. 1977 (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Sep). Countries. Cuba. Associated organisms. Apiospora camptospora; Drumopama girisa; Gramineae gen.indet. (leaf, stem); Khuskia oryzae; Lacellinopsis sacchari; Nigrospora sacchari; Periconia echinochloae; Pithomyces sacchari; Saccharum sp. (leaf, sheath); Zygosporium masonii; Zygosporium oscheoides. Collections. HAC CM, CM, 2860, unnumbered; HACM 2860, 8567, 8567, 8595, 8595, 8662, 8668, 8668, 8924, 9088, unnumbered; HAJB [Darwin] 5731; INIFAT 1535, 1535; INISAV 50. Literature. Arnold (1986) page(s) 34, 128; Mena Portales, López Mesa, Mercado Sierra, Hernández Gutiérrez, Sandoval Ramírez, Rodrígeuz Morejón & González Fraginals (1995) page(s) 33; Mercado Sierra (1981) page(s) 3; Mercado Sierra (1984) page(s) 75-76.

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