Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Erysiphe labiatarum Chevall.

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 33. Date information. 1935 (Jun, Aug, Sep, Oct). Countries. Georgia, Russia, Ukraine. Associated organisms. Ajuga laxmannii (leaf); Ampelomyces phlomidis; Ballota nigra (leaf); Galeobdolon luteum; Leonurus cardiaca; Marrubium praecox (leaf); Phlomis pungens (leaf); Phlomis tuberosa; Salvia nemorosa (leaf); Stachys sylvatica; Teucrium polium (leaf); Thymus sp. Collections. TBI unnumbered; TBIP unnumbered; TGM unnumbered. Literature. Heluta (1979) page(s) 50; Illichevskyi (1938) page(s) 150; Lavitska (1949) page(s) 31; Morochkowsky (1956); Morochkowsky (1957); Morochkowsky (1958); Nakhutsrishvili (1986) page(s) 307; Rtishcheva (1988) page(s) 228; Rudakov (1979) page(s) 107.

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