Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Schizoxylon albo-atrum Rehm

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 12. Date information. 1823 (Jan, Mar, Apr, May, Dec). Countries. France, Germany, Morocco, Norway, Rumania, USA. Associated organisms. Euonymus sp. (wood); Juniperus thurifera; Pinus sp. (trunk); Populus sp. (wood); Pyrus sp. (wood); Salix sp. (wood); Sorbus sp. (wood); Tilia sp. (wood). Collections. CUP D 10367, unnumbered; NY unnumbered; O unnumbered; ZT unnumbered. Literature. Rieuf (1970) page(s) 280; Saccardo (1889) page(s) 698; Sherwood (1977) page(s) 111-113.

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