Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

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Clidemia sp.

Selection criteria. Country: Venezuela. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 15. Date information. 1928 (Jan, Feb, Oct). Locations. Distrito Federál, Lara, Yaracuy, state not noted. Associated organisms. Aphanopeltis jahnii; Aspergillus candidus; Asteridiella melastomacearum; Blastotrichum miconiae; Chaetothyrium sp.; Coccostroma toledoi; Echidnodes asterinearum; Hyalosphaera miconiae; Lembosia miconiicola; Parasterina venezuelana; Phaeodimeriella asterinarum; Phragmoxyphium australiense. Collections. BPI Fungi Venezuelani, Fungi Venezuelani. Literature. Dennis (1970) page(s) 191, 197, 387; Rossman (1987) page(s) 55; Urtiaga (1986) page(s) 105.

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