Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

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Flavodon flavus (Klotzsch) Ryvarden

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 95. Date information. 1923 (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Oct, Dec). Countries. Angola, Cuba, India, México, Mozambique, Puerto Rico, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Zimbabwe, country not noted. Associated organisms. Acacia arabica; Acacia mellifera (wood); Acacia seyal (wood); Albizia sp. (wood); Crotalaria agatiflora; Dichrostachys glomerata (branch); Eucalyptus grandis (log, trunk); Eucalyptus saligna (trunk, wood); Eucalyptus sp. (construction material, wood); Ficus sp. (trunk); Gramineae gen.indet.; Hibiscus elatus (trunk); Hypelate trifoliata (trunk); Plantae indet. (branch, trunk, wood); Pongamia pinnata; Saccharum sp. (stem); Sapindus saponaria (trunk). Collections. CAH AJM 780; ENCB unnumbered; HAC H, unnumbered; HACM 2093, 2449, 2646, 2984, 3739, 3756, 3761, 3875, 3974, 3984, 4193, 4194, 4511, 4595, 5601, 6730; IES 7565, 7579, 7595, 7798; IMI 34242; K unnumbered; O unnumbered; PREM 14846, 23717, 23717, 23717, 25874, 29969, 33141, 33940, 34094, 34094, van der Byl 1469, van der Byl 1473, van der Byl 2181, van der Byl 2411; XAL unnumbered. Literature. Bakshi, Reddy, Puri & Singh (1972); Bilgrami, Jamaluddin & Rizwi (1991) page(s) 254; Byl (1934) page(s) 4; Currey (1874); Doidge (1950) page(s) 500, 553; Hennings (1901); Hernández Gutiérrez, Mena Portales, Herrera Figueroa, López Mesa, Mercado Sierra, Ortiz Medina & Rodríguez Morejón (1995) page(s) 69; Hopkins (1938) page(s) 111; Kalchbrenner (1881) page(s) 57; Lundquist & Baxter (1985) page(s) 12, 15; Masuka & Ryvarden (1992) page(s) 247; Mena Portales, López Mesa, Mercado Sierra, Hernández Gutiérrez, Sandoval Ramírez, Rodrígeuz Morejón & González Fraginals (1995); Nel (1942) page(s) 66; Ryvarden & Guzmán (1993) page(s) 7-8; Saccardo (1888) page(s) 486; Saksena & Was (1962); Sathe & Rahalkar (1976); Smith (1901) page(s) 470; Stevenson (1975) page(s) 338; Tarr (1955) page(s) 51; Theissen (1911); Torrend (1905) page(s) 220; Wakefield (1936) page(s) 48.

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