Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Lenzites elegans (Spreng.) Pat.

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 144. Date information. 1902 (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec). Countries. Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, India, Jamaica, Nepal, New Zealand, Panamá, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Trinidad & Tobago, USA, Venezuela, country not noted. Associated organisms. Abies pindrow; Arcyria sp.; Bursera simaruba (trunk); Casuarina equisetifolia (log, stump); Celtis australis (log); Cocos nucifera (trunk); Dalbergia retusa (wood); Eucalyptus paniculata (stump); Ficus religiosa (log); Ficus sp. (trunk); Gliricidia sepium (trunk); Gymnanthes lucida (trunk); Leguminosae gen.indet. (branch); Magnoliopsida ord.indet. (trunk); Mangifera indica (stump, trunk); Morinda royoc (trunk); Parmelia sp.; Persea americana (trunk); Pinus excelsa; Pinus sp. (bark, wood); Plantae indet. (branch, construction material, log, root, trunk, wood); Prunus occidentalis (trunk); Quercus dilatata; Shorea robusta (log); Zanthoxylum elephantiasis (trunk). Collections. HACM 71, 117, 235, 381, 488, 522, 635, 892, 1100, 1118, 1153, 1174, 1426, 1558, 1979, 2193, 2438, 2552, 2601, 2708, 3912, 4072, 4165, 4318, 4693, 4696, 4738, 4874, 5372, 6166, 6473, 6972, 6989, 6992, 6993, 7000, 7325; HACM [Darwin] 30857, 30947, 30948, 30949; HAJB 86, 346, 401, 452, 647, 648, 945, 1492, 2061, 2101, 2337, 2599, 2704, 2734, 3286, 3598, 3752, 7088, 7160, 7254, 7473; HAJB [Darwin] 6546, 20452; IES 7564; K unnumbered; NY CO 1077, CO 1337, CO 4150, CO 4725, CO 7381; PC unnumbered; USJ 21125, 21126, 21126, 21266, 21266, 27512, 27512, unnumbered; VEN 149509, 210479. Literature. Anon. (1951); Arnold (1986) page(s) 66; Batista, Falcão, Peres & Moura (1966) page(s) 133; Berkeley & Curtis (1868) page(s) 303; Bilgrami, Jamaluddin & Rizwi (1991) page(s) 265; Bisht & Harsh (1982); Bondartseva & Herrera Figueroa (1984) page(s) 75; Butler & Bisby (1931); Carranza & Ryvarden (1998) page(s) 387; Chardón & Toro (1934) page(s) 309; Ciferri (1961) page(s) 83, 91; Dennis (1970) page(s) 120; Kreisel (1971); Lundquist & Baxter (1985) page(s) 13; Montagne (1845) page(s) 232-234; Murrill (1908) page(s) 127, 128; Murrill (1915) page(s) 105, 102-103; Ryvarden (1981) page(s) 178; Ryvarden (1984) page(s) 337; Ryvarden (1985) page(s) 182; Ryvarden (1992) page(s) 133; Setliff & Ryvarden (1983) page(s) 517.

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