Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

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Phellinus badius (Berk.) G. Cunn.

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 62. Date information. 1968 (Jan, Feb, Apr, Oct, Nov, Dec). Countries. Australia, Cuba, India, México, Netherlands Antilles, Puerto Rico, South Africa. Associated organisms. Acacia arabica; Acacia catechu (stem, twig); Acacia sundra; Belairia spinosa (wood); Betula sp. (wood); Bucida buceras (branch, stump, trunk); Bucida subinermis (trunk); Bursera simaruba (trunk); Cassia nodosa (stem, twig); Eucalyptus camaldulensis (wood); Eucalyptus microcarpa (wood); Eugenia zeyheri (wood); Euphorbia neriifolia (stump); Ficus bengalensis (tree); Ficus religiosa (log); Guaiacum officinale; Hebestigma cubense (trunk); Hopea wightiana; Leguminosae gen.indet. (wood); Lysiloma bahamense (trunk, wood); Plantae indet. (tree, trunk); Salix sp. (stump); Shorea robusta; Spondias mangifera; Trichilia hirta (wood). Collections. HACM 964, 2041, 2294, 2872, 2876, 2878, 2880, 3842, 3846; HAJB 483, 579, 749, 816, 2127, 2600, 2604, 3213; HAJB [Darwin] 6039, 6040, 6041, 6042; NY unnumbered; PREM 8872, 8940, 9132, 31531, 31532, 32031, van der Byl 29, van der Byl 30. Literature. Anon. (1951); Arnold (1986) page(s) 47, 47, 145, 47, 193, 47, 83; Bagchee & Bakshi (1954); Bagchee (1953); Bakshi, Reddy, Puri & Singh (1972); Banerjee (1947); Bilgrami, Jamaluddin & Rizwi (1991) page(s) 500; Bose (1937); Butler (1906); Dennis (1970) page(s) 114; Doidge (1950) page(s) 506; Lloyd (1915) page(s) 3; Lloyd (1920) page(s) 952; Lowe (1952) page(s) 230; Marks, Fuhrer & Walters (1982) page(s) 24; Saxena & Mukerjee (1973); Verma & Khan (1965); Wakefield (1936) page(s) 43.

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