Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Ceuthospora sp.

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 28. Date information. 1961 (Mar, Apr, May, Aug, Oct, Nov, Dec). Countries. Argentina, Chile, China, former Czechoslovakia, Georgia, Greece, Poland, South Africa, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Venezuela, country not noted. Associated organisms. Acacia longifolia (leaf); Acer oliverianum (fruit); Acer platanoides (leaf); Berberis sp. (leaf); Buxus sempervirens (leaf); Chaetopsina fulva; Colletotrichum dematium; Discosia sp.; Embothrium coccineum (leaf); Eucalyptus sp. (litter); Gyrothrix verticillata; Hedera helix (stem); Lomatia hirsuta (leaf); Lonicera periclymenum (stem); Lophodermium sp.; Magnolia sp. (leaf); Marthamyces sp.; Maytenus magellanicus (leaf); Myrceugenia apiculata (leaf); Nerium oleander (twig); Nothofagus alessandri (leaf); Penicillifer sp.; Phoma sp.; Pinus sylvestris (leaf); Plantae indet. (leaf); Platycladus orientalis (twig); Podocarpus andinus (leaf); Pyrenochaeta sp.; Torula herbarum forma quaternella; Valsa ceratosperma. Collections. IMI 338601, 338897, 340125, 340155, 340161, 341451, 342080, 342106, 349732, 349795, 337878c, 337879b, 337880b, 355228b, 355267a, 355284a, 355348b, unnumbered; KW [Darwin] 5551; PRm 155577; TGM [Darwin] 4295, 5614, 5615, 5617. Literature. Hawksworth, Kirk, Sutton & Pegler (1995); Kowalski (1988) page(s) 167, 169; Sherwood (1977) page(s) 60; Urtiaga (1986) page(s) 75.

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