Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Erysiphe polygoni DC.

Selection criteria. Country: Ukraine. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 615. Date information. 1901 (May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec). Locations. Cherkasy oblast, Chernihiv oblast, Dnipropetrovsk oblast, Donetsk oblast, Kharkiv oblast, Kherson oblast, Khmelnitskyi oblast, Kiev oblast, Kirovohrad oblast, Luhansk oblast, Lviv oblast, Mykolaiv oblast, Odesa oblast, Poltava oblast, Republic of Crimea, Rivne oblast, Sumy oblast, Ternopil oblast, Vinnytsia oblast, Volynska oblast, Zakarpatska oblast, Zaporizhzhia oblast, Zhytomyr oblast. Associated organisms. Ampelomyces polygoni; Ampelomyces sp.; Astragalus glycyphyllus; Cicinobolus polygoni; Delphinium hybridum; Fagopyrum esculentum (calyx, leaf); Fallopia convolvulus (calyx, leaf); Fallopia dumetorum (calyx, leaf); Mahonia aquifolium; Melandrium album; Muehlenbeckia platyclada (calyx, leaf); Pastinaca sativa (fruit, leaf, stem); Polygonum amphibium (calyx, leaf); Polygonum aviculare (calyx, leaf, stem); Polygonum bellardii (calyx, leaf); Polygonum hydropiper (calyx, leaf); Polygonum hypanicum (calyx, leaf); Polygonum lapathifolium (calyx, leaf); Polygonum monspeliense (calyx, leaf, stem); Polygonum novoascanicum (calyx, leaf); Polygonum patulum (calyx, leaf); Polygonum persicaria (calyx, leaf); Polygonum propinquum (calyx, leaf); Polygonum tomentosum (calyx, leaf); Polygonum sp. (calyx, leaf); Rheum rhaponticum (calyx, leaf); Rumex acetosa (calyx, leaf); Rumex acetosella (calyx, leaf, petiole); Rumex acetosella subsp. acetoselloides (leaf, petiole); Rumex confertus (calyx, leaf); Rumex crispus (calyx, fruit, leaf, petiole); Rumex hydrolapathum (leaf); Rumex lonaczewskii (calyx, leaf); Rumex maritimus (calyx, leaf); Rumex obtusifolius (calyx, leaf); Rumex patientia (calyx, fruit, leaf); Rumex stenophyllus (calyx, fruit, leaf, stem); Rumex sp. (calyx, leaf); Vicia sp. Collections. KW [Darwin] 10956, 11480, 11481, 11482, 11483, 11484, 11485, 11486, 11487, 11488, 11489, 11490, 11491, 11492, 11493, 11494, 11495, 11496, 11497, 11499, 11500, 11501, 11502, 11503, 11504, 11505, 11506, 11507, 11508, 11509, 11510, 11511, 11512, 11513, 11514, 11515, 11516, 11517, 11518, 11519, 11520, 11521, 11522, 11524, 11526, 11528, 11529, 11530, 11531, 11532, 11533, 11534, 11535, 11536, 11537, 11538, 11539, 11540, 11541, 11542, 11543, 11544, 11545, 11546, 11547, 11548, 11549, 11550, 11551, 11552, 11553, 11554, 11555, 11556, 11557, 11558, 11559, 11560, 11561, 11562, 11563, 11564, 11565, 11566, 11567, 11568, 11569, 11570, 11571, 11572, 11573, 11574, 11575, 11576, 11577, 11578, 11579, 11580, 11581, 11582, 11583, 11584, 11585, 11586, 12227, 12228, 12229, 12230, 12231, 12232, 12233, 12234, 12235, 12236, 12237, 12238, 12239, 12240, 12241, 12242, 12243, 12245, 12246, 12247, 12248, 12249, 12250, 12251, 12252, 12253, 12254, 12255, 12256, 12257, 12258, 12259, 12260, 12261, 12262, 12263, 12264, 12265, 12266, 12267, 12268, 12269, 12270, 12271, 12272, 12273, 12274, 12275, 12276, 12277, 12278, 12279, 12280, 12281, 12282, 12283, 12284, 12285, 12286, 12287, 12288, 12289, 12290, 12291, 12292, 12293, 12294, 12295, 12296, 12297, 12299, 12300, 12301, 12302, 12303, 12304, 12305, 12306, 12307, 12308, 12309, 12310, 12311, 12312, 12313, 12314, 12315, 12316, 12317, 12318, 12319, 12320, 12321, 12322, 12323, 12324, 12325, 12326, 12327, 12328, 12329, 12330, 12331, 12332, 12333, 12334, 12335, 12336, 12337, 12338, 12339, 13535, 13536, 13537, 13538, 13539, 13540, 13541, 13542, 13543, 13544, 13545, 41043, 41044, 45107, 45108, 51095, 51096, 51553, 51555, 51556, 51557, 51558, 51560, 51561, 51562, 51563, 51564, 51565, 51566, 51567, 51568, 51569, 51570, 51571, 51572, 51573, 51574, 51575, 51576, 51577, 51578, 51579, 51580, 51581, 51582, 51583, 51586, 51587, 51588, 51589, 51715, 51716, 51717, 51718, 53370, 53371, 53372, 53373, 53374, 53375, 53376, 53377, 53649, 53650, 53651, 53652, 53653. Literature. Ganeshin & Bondartseva-Monteverde (1922); Garbowski (1924) page(s) 235; Gavrilo (1999) page(s) 437; Gizhytska (1926) page(s) 22, 28; Grebenchuk & Sherstniuk (1975); Grodzynska (1928); Gyzhitska (1926); Heluta (1979) page(s) 478; Heluta (1989) page(s) 65; Heluta (1999) page(s) 53; Heluta (1999) page(s) 480; Heluta, Merezhko & Smik (1992) page(s) 52; Heluta, Merezhko & Smik (1992) page(s) 52; Isachenko (1896); Kharkevich (1949); Kharkevich (1959); Kharkevych (1959) page(s) 24; Léveillé (1842); Lavitska & Morochkovska (1974); Lavitska (1939); Lavitska (1947); Lavitska (1949); Marchenko (1963); Morochkovskaya & Perelai (1983); Morochkowsky (1956); Morochkowsky (1957); Morochkowsky (1958); Moskovets (1933), 72; Namysłowski (1914); Potebnia (1907); Potebnia (1916); Rayevska & Komaretska (1949), 52, 53; Rudakov (1979) page(s) 109; Sredinsky (1873); Tranzschel (1902) page(s) 73; Trebu (1913); Tselle (1925); Varlikh (1896); Wróblewski (1912); Yachevsky (1927); Zweigbaumowna (1918).

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