Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Microsphaera sparsa Howe

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 56. Date information. 1982 (Jan, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec). Countries. British Isles, Germany, Russia, United Kingdom, Ukraine. Associated organisms. Viburnum opulus (leaf); Viburnum tinus (leaf). Collections. IMI 344691, 359055; KW [Darwin] 11142, 11143, 11144, 11145, 11146, 11147, 11148, 11149, 11150, 11151, 11152, 11153, 11154, 51252, 52474, 52475, 52476, 52477, 52478, 52479, 52480, 52481, 52482, 52483, 52484, 52485, 52486, 52487, 53537, 53538, 53539, 53540, 53541, 53542, 53543; LECB unnumbered. Literature. Cannon, Hawksworth & Sherwood-Pike (1985); Grodzynska (1928); Heluta (1989) page(s) 91; Heluta (1999) page(s) 481; Ing (1991); Lavitska (1939); Namysłowski (1914); Tikhomirova & Tobias (1999) page(s) 91; Tobias & Tikhomirova (1998) page(s) 47.

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