Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Bisporella discedens (P. Karst.) S.E. Carp.

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 89. Date information. 1923 (Mar, Jun, Jul). Countries. American Virgin Islands, Argentina, Brazil, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Venezuela. Associated organisms. Bryophyta indet.; Palmae gen.indet.; Plantae indet. (bark, twig, wood); Rubus sp. Collections. BCRU 781; CUP DO 15, DO 25, HA 12, DO 200, PR 4164, PR 4183; FH unnumbered; NY VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE, VE; VEN 145935, 145936, 145937, 145938, 145939, 145940, 145941, 145942, 145943, 145944, 145945, 145946, 145947, 145948, 145949, 145951, 145951, 145952, 145953, 145954, 145955, 145956, 145957, 145958, 145958, 145959. Literature. Carpenter (1975) page(s) 124-126; Dennis (1954) page(s) 320; Dennis (1970) page(s) 346; Gamundí & Giaiotti (1998) page(s) 58.

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