Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

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Metacapnodium sp.

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 8. Date information. 1966 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Nov). Countries. Argentina, Cuba, Dominica, Greece, country not noted. Associated organisms. Asplundia rigida (leaf); Bromeliaceae gen.indet. (leaf); Capnophialophora fraserae; Erica arborea (leaf); Hormisciomyces prepusus; Limacinula butleri; Metacapnodium moniliforme; Palmae gen.indet. (leaf); Pernettya mucronata (stem); Polychaeton sp.; Pteridophyta indet. (leaf); Trichomerium grandisporum; Urena sinuata (leaf). Collections. BPI unnumbered; HACM 6816, 6817 s/p; HAJB 3486-5; IMI 332952, 338575. Literature. Farr (1969) page(s) 378; Hawksworth, Kirk, Sutton & Pegler (1995).

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