Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Myriangiella sp.

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 17. Date information. 1961 (Jan, Mar, Apr, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov). Countries. Brazil, Cuba, country not noted. Associated organisms. Ainsworthia lecythidacearum; Ampulliferella amoeboides; Annona sp.; Apeiba sp.; Aulographum tropicale var. maius; Batistamnus eschweilerae; Chaetothyriaceae gen.indet.; Dictyothyrium ingae; Didymopyrostoma xylopiae; Helikedomyces sp.; Jambosa vulgaris (leaf); Lauraceae gen.indet.; Maytenus buxifolia (leaf); Maytenus cochlearifolius (leaf); Maytenus sp. (leaf); Mazosia melanophthalma; Meliolaceae gen.indet.; Micropeltaceae gen.indet.; Micropeltidaceae gen.indet.; Micropeltis cassipoureae; Micropeltis sp.; Microxyphiomyces minutus; Mucor sp.; Myrtaceae gen.indet. (leaf); Peltaster fimbriatus; Peltaster fusisporus; Penzigomyces cookei; Phyllachoraceae gen.indet.; Plantae indet.; Plectopycnis coccolobae; Pleurophomyces palmicola; Psychotria sp. (leaf); Pycnociliospora crescentiae; Scolecopeltidium amazonense; Scoliotidium lauracearum; Setomyces orchideae; Sphaerochaetia splendida; Spinomyces ocoteae; Sporoschisma stilboideum; Stomiopeltis lophrirae; Tricharia sp.; Weissia xylopiae; Xylopia sp. Collections. HAJB 4786, 5491, 5593, 6035, 6639, 4914-2, 5020-2, 6509-2, 6637-2; URM 27778, 27779, unnumbered. Literature. Batista & Herrera (1964) page(s) 469; Batista & Peres (1964) page(s) 167; Batista & Peres (1965) page(s) 171; Batista, Peres & Cavalcante (1963) page(s) 14; Bezerra, Batista, Poroca, Santos & Cavalcante (1967) page(s) 347, 367; Hawksworth, Kirk, Sutton & Pegler (1995).

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