Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

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Alternaria longipes (Ellis & Everh.) E.W. Mason

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 81. Countries. American Virgin Islands, Armenia, Bolivia, China, Colombia, Congo, Cuba, former Yugoslavia, Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Malawi, Malaysia, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, Pakistan, Panamá, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Puerto Rico, Rumania, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, USA, Venezuela, Zambia, Zimbabwe, country not noted. Associated organisms. Ailanthus excelsa (leaf); Arachis hypogaea (leaf); Crotalaria juncea (leaf); Gossypium sp. (leaf); Hibiscus rosae-sinensis (leaf); Litsea chinensis (phylloplane); Lochnera pusilla (leaf); Malus domestica (fruit); Nicotiana rustica; Nicotiana tabacum (leaf, stem); Vitis vinifera (fruit). Collections. HAJB unnumbered; HAJB [Darwin] 5066; PREM 15670, 16996, 17056, 18102. Literature. Agarwal (1985); Ahmad (1941); Arnold (1986) page(s) 7, 155; Bilgrami, Jamaluddin & Rizwi (1991) page(s) 21; Doidge & Bottomley (1931) page(s) 62; Doidge (1950) page(s) 699; Golato (1967) page(s) Castellani (1988a) 60; Hopkins (1931) page(s) 58, 82; Hopkins (1938) page(s) 121; Hopkins (1939) page(s) 27; Jamaluddin & Ojha (2004) page(s) 6; Kamal, Singh & Kumar (1981); Mallik, Saleem & Shukla (1993); Manoharachary (1975); Manoharachary, Ramarao, Venkateshwarlu & Raghuveerao (1975); Mason (1928) page(s) 19; Mercado Sierra & Mena Portales (1992) page(s) 43-44; Mercado Sierra, Holubová-Jechová & Mena Portales (1997) page(s) 45, 43, 45; Moore (1926) page(s) 452; Osipyan & Batikyan (1991) page(s) 301; Rangaswamy, Seshadri & Channamma (1970); Rao (1965); Rieuf (1969) page(s) 11; Stevenson (1975) page(s) 451-452; Verwoerd (1929) page(s) 27.

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