Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Search Result

Ganoderma australe (Fr.) Pat.

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 151. Date information. 1921 (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec). Countries. Australia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, India, Jamaica, México, Nepal, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Slovakia, Somalia, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela, country not noted. Associated organisms. Aextoxicon punctatum; Albizia sp.; Aphyllophorales fam.indet.; Aristotelia chilensis; Bambusa vulgaris (wood); Beilschmiedia pendula (trunk); Bursera simaruba (trunk); Cedrela odorata (base, trunk); Citrus sp. (root); Clusia rosea (trunk); Cocos nucifera (trunk); Coffea sp. (root); Cryptocarya peumus; Erythrina poeppigiana (trunk); Fagus obliqua; Grevillea sp. (root); Guarea guidonia (trunk); Guarea trichilioides (trunk); Guazuma tomentosa (trunk); Hyphaene sp. (trunk); Licaria jamaicensis (trunk); Magnoliopsida ord.indet. (wood); Morinda royoc (trunk); Nothofagus sp.; Nothomyrcia fernandeziae; Orchidaceae gen.indet.; Palmae gen.indet. (trunk); Persea lingue; Pinus cubensis (stump); Pithecellobium saman (root); Plantae indet. (branch, debris, log, stem, stump, tree, trunk, wood); Prunus occidentalis (trunk); Pseudolmedia spuria (trunk); Roystonea regia (stump, trunk); Spondias mombin (trunk); Trophis racemosa (trunk). Other substrata. soil. Collections. HACM 6, 136, 144, 148, 583, 656, 680, 682, 682, 1092, 1124, 1258, 1258, 1438, 1523, 1540, 1599, 1746, 1776, 1894, 2102, 2136, 2211, 2378, 2526, 2733, 2907, 3034, 3178, 3238, 3293, 3815, 3996, 4129, 4140, 4218, 4241, 4258, 4498, 4500, 4500, 4507, 4623, 4822, 4826, 4858, 4880, 4915, 4918, 4950, 4950, 5215, 5285, 5294, 5524, 5611, 5623, 5627, 5628, 6019, 6400, 6401, 6402, 6423, 6424, 6425, 6429, 6554, 6975, 7006; HACM [Darwin] 30877, 30878, 30879; HAJB 35, 162, 162, 621, 818, 888, 903, 964, 1322, 1528, 1696, 1720, 2020, 2298, 2687, 7579, 7647, 2552a; IES 7883; INIFAT 1688, A 84/605; JBSD unnumbered; O UPPR, unnumbered; TENN unnumbered. Literature. Arnold (1985) page(s) 54; Baker & Dale (1951) page(s) 78; Batista, Falcão, Peres & Moura (1966) page(s) 140; Berkeley & Curtis (1868) page(s) 310; Berkeley (1878) page(s) 52-53; Bilgrami, Jamaluddin & Rizwi (1991) page(s) 216; Butler & Bisby (1960); Castellani (1988) page(s) 33; Chardón & Toro (1934) page(s) 310; Chavan & Barge (1978); Ciferri (1961) page(s) 84; Gay (1850) page(s) 358; Hariot (1889) page(s) 183; Hennings (1901); Johow (1896) page(s) 186; Kreisel (1971); Larter & Martyn (1943) page(s) 4, 7; Lazo & et al. (1977) page(s) 21; Montagne (1845) page(s) 244; Romell (1927) page(s) 467; Sharp (1948) page(s) 500; Singer (1959) page(s) 373; Spegazzini (1887) page(s) 19; Spegazzini (1910) page(s) 8; Spegazzini (1917) page(s) 123; Spegazzini (1918) page(s) 38.

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