Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

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Triposporium sp.

Selection criteria. Country: any country. Associated organism: any (distribution map)

Number of records. 12. Date information. 1955 (Jan, May, Jul). Countries. Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, India, country not noted. Associated organisms. Achras zapota; Antennariella sapotae; Asterina sp.; Ceiba pentandra; Ceratosporella bicornis; Chaetasbolisia sapotae; Chaetothyrium ceibae; Chaetothyrium mangiferae; Chalara sp.; Helminthosporium sp.; Mangifera indica; Microxyphium columnatum; Myrtaceae gen.indet.; Nematostoma constricta; Palmae gen.indet.; Phaeophragmeriella constricta; Phaeosaccardinula gigantospora; Phaeosaccardinula pipericola; Phaeoxyphiella bahiensis; Piper nigrum; Plantae indet. (leaf); Pleurophragmium sp.; Podoxyphium sapotae; Sathropeltis sapotae; Scolecopeltidium myrtacearum; Septonema isthmium; Stomiopeltis aspersa; Tripospermum roupalae; Triposporium roupalae. Other substrata. air. Collections. HACM 5731; HACM [Darwin] 34098; INPA unnumbered; URM 1195, 2280, 2280, 2281, 11373, 11374. Literature. Batista & Ciferri (1962) page(s) 95; Batista & Ciferri (1963) page(s) 147, 172; Batista & Lima (1955) page(s) 53; Batista & Vital (1955) page(s) 115; Batista, Maia & Vital (1955) page(s) 99; Batista, Shome, Peres & Fonsêca (1961) page(s) 17; Ciferri (1961) page(s) 371; Hawksworth, Kirk, Sutton & Pegler (1995); Tilak & Srinivasulu (1967).

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