Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Information about Individual Records

Aesculus hippocastanum L.

Record number: 90184. Place of collection: Ukraine; Zhytomyr oblast; Olevsk town, near (N51°13' E27°39'). Date of collection: 17 May 1948. Associated organism: Phomopsis coneglanensis. Collector: Balkovs’kiĭ, B..

Record number: 90186. Place of collection: Ukraine; Kiev oblast; Kiev city; Bahrinova hill; plant nursery (N50°23' E30°32'). Date of collection: 5 June 1940. Associated organism: Phomopsis coneglanensis
. Collector: Lavitska, Z.G..

Isikov 5226. Place of collection: Ukraine; Republic of Crimea; Nikita; Nikita Botanic Garden (N44°31' E34°15', alt. 0090 m). Date of collection: 20 April 1956. Associated organism: Phomopsis coneglanensis
. Collector: Vasil’yeva, L.N..

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