Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Information about Individual Records

Ulmus glabra Huds.

Record number: 82239. Place of collection: Ukraine; Poltava oblast; Reshetylivka settlement; at the road to Poltava (N49°34' E34°04'). Date of collection: 24 September 1979. Associated organism: Tubercularia nigricans. Collector: Smyk, L.V..

Record number: 106503. Place of collection: Ukraine; Kiev oblast; Ozerna village (N49°38' E30°07'). Date of collection: 30 April 1966. Associated organisms: Camarosporium cruciatum
; Cucurbitaria ulmea; Tubercularia nigricans. Collector: Smyk, L.V.. Identifier: Minter, D.W..

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