Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Information about Individual Records

Betula sp.

Record number: 55946. Place of collection: Ukraine; Chernihiv oblast; Kamianka forestry (N51°5x' E31°3x'). Date of collection: 20 August 1932. Associated organism: Melampsoridium betulinum. Collector: Moskovets, S.M..

Record number: 55966. Place of collection: Ukraine; Chernihiv oblast; Kamianka forestry (N51°5x' E31°3x'). Date of collection: 28 September 1932. Associated organism: Melampsoridium betulinum
. Collector: Rekhtman.

Record number: 65624. Place of collection: Ukraine; Chernihiv oblast; Borzna town (N51°15' E32°25'). Date of collection: 11 April 1967. Associated organism: Diplodia betulae
. Collector: Merezhko, T.A..

Record number: 80797. Place of collection: Ukraine; Chernihiv oblast; Horodnia town, near (N51°53' E31°36'). Date of collection: 13 September 1974. Associated organism: Hormiscium antiquum
. Collector: Smyk, L.V..

Record number: 81589. Place of collection: Ukraine; Chernihiv oblast; Kholmy village (N51°52' E32°37'). Date of collection: 15 September 1974. Associated organism: Nectria cinnabarina
. Collector: Smits’ka, M.F..

Record number: 104097. Place of collection: Ukraine; Chernihiv oblast; Kam’yanka village (N51°38' E31°46'). Date of collection: 29 September 1932. Associated organism: Diatrype stigma
. Collector: Rekhtman.

Record number: 106739. Place of collection: Ukraine; Chernihiv oblast; Chernihiv town (near) (N51°34' E31°47'). Date of collection: 12 July 1984. Associated organism: Hypogymnia physodes
. Collector: Kondratyuk, S.Ya..

Record number: 106757. Place of collection: Ukraine; Chernihiv oblast; Shchors town (near) (N51°48' E31°57'). Date of collection: 19 September 1921. Associated organism: Hypogymnia physodes
. Collector: Bazilevich, A..

Record number: 108290. Place of collection: Ukraine; Chernihiv oblast; Oster town; Osters’ka forest parcel (N50°57' E30°53'). Date of collection: 8 August 1919. Associated organism: Ochrolechia arborea
. Collector: Fomin, O.V.; Oksner, A.M..

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