Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Information about Individual Records

Ulmus laevis Pall.

Record number: 96545. Place of collection: Ukraine; Kiev oblast; Skvyra forestry (N49°46' E29°37'). Date of collection: 15 September 1949. Associated organism: Cylindrosporium ulmicola. Collector: Zerova, M.Ya..

Record number: 96547. Place of collection: Ukraine; Kiev oblast; Skvyra town, near (N49°44' E29°39'). Date of collection: 15 September 1949. Associated organism: Cylindrosporium ulmicola
. Collector: Zerova, M.Ya..

Record number: 96549. Place of collection: Ukraine; Kiev oblast; Tomylivka village; Tomylivka forestry (N49°45' E30°14'). Date of collection: 14 September 1949. Associated organism: Cylindrosporium ulmicola
. Collector: Rozhenko, G.L..

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