Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Information about Individual Records

Umbelliferae gen.indet.

Record number: 91986. Place of collection: Ukraine; Odesa oblast; Artsyz town, near (N45°59' E29°26'). Date of collection: 6 May 1971. Associated organism: Phoma herbarum. Collector: Smyk, L.V..

Record number: 97603. Place of collection: Ukraine; Odesa oblast; Berezivka, near (N47°12' E30°54'). Date of collection: 5 May 1971. Associated organism: Cilioplea coronata
. Collector: Smyk, L.V..

Record number: 97845. Place of collection: Ukraine; Odesa oblast; Holytsya village; Maly Kotlobakh river; meadow (N45°45' E28°59'). Date of collection: 8 May 1971. Associated organism: Pleospora herbarum
. Collector: Smyk, L.V..

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