Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Information about Individual Records

Urtica dioica L.

Record number: 57556. Place of collection: Russia; Tambovskaya oblast; Tambov, near (N52°43' E41°26'). Date of collection: May 1903. Associated organism: Puccinia caricina. Collector: Schirajewski, I..

Record number: 57558. Place of collection: Russia; Leningradskaya oblast; Lesnoi. Date of collection: 28 May 1920. Associated organism: Puccinia caricina
. Collector: Antopolskaya.

Record number: 57560. Place of collection: Russia; Leningradskaya oblast; Ostrovki village (N59°47' E30°49'). Date of collection: 23 June 1915. Associated organism: Puccinia caricina
. Collector: Ganeshin, S.S..

Record number: 60552. Place of collection: Russia; Kaluzhskaya oblast; Tarusa district; Kolosovo village. Date of collection: 10 July 1925. Associated organism: Puccinia caricina
. Collector: Petrova, L..

Record number: 61709. Place of collection: Russia; Tverskaya oblast; Laptevo village. Date of collection: 1922. Associated organism: Erinella nylandes
. Collector: Lebedeva, L.A..

Record number: 61727. Place of collection: Russia; Leningradskaya oblast; Central Botanical Garden (N59°58' E30°19'). Date of collection: 17 May 1922. Associated organism: Calloria neglecta
. Collector: Lebedeva, L.A..

Record number: 79571. Place of collection: Russia; Arkhangel'skaya oblast; Kargopol’ (N61°30' E38°58'). Date of collection: 28 July 1920. Associated organism: Mycosphaerella superflua
. Collector: Lebedeva, L.A..

Record number: 79583. Place of collection: Russia; Kirovskaya oblast; Omutne district; Gordina village, near (N58°33' E53°33'). Date of collection: 20 August 1924. Associated organism: Mycosphaerella superflua
. Collector: Khokhriakov, M.K..

Record number: 80341. Place of collection: Russia; Leningradskaya oblast; St Petersburg; Central Botanic Garden, park (N59°58' E30°19'). Date of collection: 28 April 1922. Associated organism: Calloria neglecta
. Collector: Lebedeva, L.A..

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