Observations of fungi and their associated organisms

Information about Individual Records

Asterina sp.

URM 25480. Place of collection: Brazil; Amazonas; Manaus, AM-1 Highroad - Km 46. Date of collection: 7 July 1961. Associated organisms: Annonaceae gen.indet.; Byssoloma sp.; Didymopyrostoma xylopiae; Dimerella hypophylla; Helikedomyces sp.; Mazosia melanophthalma; Micropeltella maiae; Micropeltidaceae gen.indet.; Micropeltis rionegrensis; Micropeltis viridis; Pertusaria sp.; Porina epiphylla; Setomyces crescentiae; Setomyces orchideae; Stomiopeltis sp.; Trichothelium sp. Collector: Fonsêca, O.J.M.. Identifier: Minter, D.W..

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